World War I Introduction

World War I Introduction

Monday, January 24, 2011

World War I Webquest

World War I was fought from 1914 to 1918 across much of Europe and other parts of the world including Africa, the Middle East, and the Atlantic Ocean. The conflict was called a “world war” because it involved many different countries (around 100) from many different parts of the world. The warring countries formed alliances and fought for many different reasons. Some of the major countries involved in the conflict include Great Britain, the United States, Germany, Turkey, Italy, France, Russia, and Austria-Hungary. Many gruesome battles and heroic victories took place and with the advancements in weapons and technology, the war created casualties at a rate never seen before. The loss of life was catastrophic for both the sides of the conflict. Your job is to complete this webquest that will help to introduce World War I and its causes.

Instructions: Complete this webquest using the website listed below. Fill the answers in completely and stay on task. This assignment is worth 10 points if completed.

Use the link below to complete part one of the webquest~
1. Begin by entering the link, next go to the causes page by clicking the link below the title, Causes.

2. Read about the first 4 of the 5 causes listed on the site (you do not read about the crises section).

3. List these four causes on your worksheet, and briefly record one of the causes from the webpage.

Cause #1_______________________________

Cause #2_______________________________

Cause #3_______________________________

Cause #4_______________________________


4. After reading and recording the causes head to the bottom of the page and take the quick quiz listed under activities. The quiz is timed so answer the best that you can. Record your score here____________.

Use the link below to complete part two of the webquest~
1. Follow the link to the World War I eyewitness page, and click on the first entry, “Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand,1914.”

2. Answer these questions based on the reading.
a. What was the name of the person who killed the Archduke?

b. Why did he attack the Archduke in the firstplace?

c. What did one of the eyewitness accounts claim the Archduke’s last words were?

Use the link below to complete part three of the webquest~
1. Locate the part of the website labeled “Online Games and Puzzles,” and click the link to the map labeling activity (Label the Map of Europe during World War I).

2. Follow the instructions on the website.

3. Complete the map and then record your score out of ten here___________. (You will not be graded on accuracy so take your best guess)

4. Observe the locations of certain countries and how it may have changed after the war.

Use the link below to complete part four of the webquest~
1. Move back to the World War I main page and locate the vocabulary game for World War I located in Online Games and Puzzles.

2. Complete the vocabulary game to the best of your ability, and record your score out of twenty here_____________.

3. Next record two definitions from the terms that pertain to World War I as it is defined on the website.


Use the link below to complete part five of the webquest~
1. Select a one player game and a keeper. Set the difficulty to average, and begin the game (kick off), but do not rush.

2. Answer the questions the best that you can, and record five of facts that you either got correct or incorrect while playing the game (the game will give you time to record in between answering and shooting the penalty shot).
3. List the number of questions you got right, goals you scored and overall percentage.

a. # of correct questions _____________
b. # of goals scored_____________
c. overall percentage_______________

Extra work. You are not required to complete this aspect of the webquest, but if you have extra time it may be useful information and practice.

Find a webpage, or website that has pictures of the war. List the link to a picture of a World War I tank here__________________________________________________.

Find a DIFFERENT website that has a picture of a World War I airplane, and list the link to that page here_______________________________________________________.

Find a video of Archduke Franz Ferdinand arriving at town hall in Sarajevo. Watch the clip and list the link to the page here _______________________________________.

At the website find the vintage audio page and find out who sang “Your King and Country Want You.” Listen to part of the song (quietly), and tell me your reaction and/or what you think about this style of music or more specifically this song.

List the name of the artist here____________________________________________.

If you complete the webquest you may continue to explore the websites that were used and further introduce yourself to World War I!